Curriculum vitae
NAME: Wolfgang Paul Beyer
born: 15.12.1955
TITLE: PD Dr. med. vet. habil.
Head of the Molecular Biological Laboratory
Head of the Anthrax consulting Laboratory
Humboldt-University Berlin Diploma 1978-1983 Veterinary Medicine
Central Institute of Molecular
Biology of the Academy of Sciences
(Max-Delbrück-Centre) Dr. med. vet. 1983-1985 Animal retroviruses
and interferons
University of Hohenheim Specialist Veterinary Microbiology
(Fachtierarzt) 2001 Veterinary Microbiology
University of Hohenheim Habilitation
(Venia legendi) 2005 Veterinary Microbiology
and Immunology
Positions and Employments
1985-1987: Head of a interdisciplinary working group comprising molecular biology,
bacteriology, pathology and virology at the Federal Research Centre for Virus
Diseases of Animals / Institute of Epidemiological Diagnostics
1987-1991: Head of the Dept. Molecular Epidemiology at the same institute
Working field: Molecular diagnostic methods for detection and characterization of
retroviruses and Enterobacteriaceae
1992 (Jan-March): Senior scientist at the Federal Research Centre for Virus Diseases of
Animals / Institute of Molecular Virology
April 1992- March 2022: Senior Scientist at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Working fields:
- Molecular diagnostic methods
- Molecular Genotyping by MLVA and WGS based cgSNPanalysis
- Recombinant live carrier vaccines and subunit vaccines
- DNA vaccines
- Biocidic molecules as new therapeutics
- Temperate and lytic Bacteriophages
Special expertise:
- Cultural, molecular, and serological diagnosis of Bacillus anthracis
- Risk analysis of Environmental Samples for the presence of spores of B. anthracis
- Development of and immunization with live recombinant and DNA vaccines
- Challenge infection models for Bacillus anthracis
- Molecular fingerprinting methods for forensic evaluation of B. anthracis isolates
- Therapeutic approaches against Anthrax in laboratory animals
- Tracking of outbreak strains of B. anthracis and Brucella spp. by molecular genotyping
Special tasks:
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin
Special experience:
- Member of a United Nations team of experts in Baghdad, Irak, 1999
- Debriefing of experts by the UNVOVIC, New York, 2004
- German representative at the Anthrax Wetlab Workshop of the Laboratory Network of the
Global Health Security Action Group, HPA Porton Down, UK, 2004
- Expert of the WHO at the “Course on Capacity Strengthening of Laboratories for the
Detection of Highly Epidemic Pathogens, Bukarest, 2005
- Debriefing of experts at the "Workshop to Formulate Preparedness Action Plans for Anthrax
Epizootics in Wildlife Zones, Malilangwe Trust, Zimbabwe, 2005
- UNSGM Designated Laboratories Workshop on data assessment and laboratory capabilities,
25 – 27 October 2017, Berlin
- UNSGM RefBio, External Quality Assurance Exercise, RKI 2019
- UNSGM Designated Laboratories Workshop, RKI, Berlin, 2.-3. März 2020
- Basic Training Course for nominated experts on the roster for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism (UNSGM) for the investigation of alleged use of chemical, biological and toxin weapons, Johannesburg, South Africa, 15-26 July 2024
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Specialist Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology